A Child Waits Foundation
Adoption Grants & Adoption Loans
International and Domestic Adoption
Family Stories
International Adoption 2024
In 2024 we awarded grants to help 204 children to be adopted from 21 different countries and 21 states in the USA. Some of their wonderful pictures and adoption experiences are recounted below in the family's own words.
"A" - Thailand

We've been back in the United States for barely a week, but we're already thrilled to begin our forever together. "A" is more clever, comedic, and expressive than we could've possibly imagined. We love our spunky firecracker! And my how brave she is! Not even giant monitor lizards could frighten her (but perhaps an ant or two may have).
At home, she's quite insistent on being part of every domestic chore (laundry, dishes, grocery shopping), and I'm more than happy to let her help me. "A" was also quick to latch onto her older brother, mirroring everything he does. I never once expected her first words in English to be Star Wars characters!
There were some medical surprises in-country: "A" is hyper-extensive in all of her joints, which means she trips and falls at the slightest breeze or bumps in the pavement. Rest assured, your generous grant was put to good use.
Thank you again for your generosity and commitment to children everywhere!
Kingshuk - India

While preparing to travel to India to pick up my son, I had many things on my mind. Keeping track of the paperwork alone is an immense task, let alone planning an international trip and preparing to be a first-time parent, all while living out of a suitcase for an undetermined amount of time. I was full of excitement and anticipation knowing that I would soon be holding my child, but I was also experiencing a lot of stress. Receiving a grant at this time was such a gift as it relieved the financial pressure associated with the trip and therefore decreased the stress.
I am so grateful to A Child Waits for helping me at that time and making it easier for me to focus on the happiness of the journey ahead. My son and I have been together for 3 months now, and life is so full of joy! Kingshuk is a happy, cuddly, intelligent little boy. He has braved the huge adjustments well, and we are settling into our life together.
Ong Art - Thailand

Our family received a grant from A Child Waits Foundation right before we left for Thailand at the beginning of September. I want to share with your team that we are home, and adjusting very well. We are grateful to the Lord for how He provided many times throughout our adoption including the grant from you all. I hope you get a glimpse of how impactful the work you are doing is, by viewing our photos. Thank you for blessing my family.
We have been home for 11 days and have finally adjusted to our regular sleep patterns. Our son now cheers when we pull into the neighborhood. He is a typical little boy- loves to dig for worms in our yard and sword fight. It has been a privilege to witness so many first moments for him. We are thankful the Lord chose us to be his family.