A Child Waits Foundation
Adoption Grants & Adoption Loans
International and Domestic Adoption
Our Families 2023
Domestic Adoption
In 2023 we awarded grants to help 202 children to be adopted from 21 different countries and 32 states in the USA. Some of their wonderful pictures and links to their adoption experiences are below.
Oliver - Pennsylvania

Thank you so much for being a part of my adoption journey! While I was technically financially ready for an adoption to go through, I was also thinking I'd have at least a year of waiting to continue to save – then I got the call that I had matched and Oliver was ready to come home with me after just four months of waiting! I couldn't believe it!
The assistance from A Child Waits has helped alleviate any money worry I may have had so that Oliver and I can enjoy being family. We are so happy!

Carter - Wisconsin

We are so thankful for A Child Waits and the role they played in making our adoption dreams come true!
We have always wanted to adopt, but when we learned the cost, it did scare us a bit. We were so grateful to find this foundation and to be awarded a grant to assist with the finances!
Thank you to everyone involved at A Child Waits for supporting us and so many others :)
Lev - Florida

We are so grateful for the grant offsetting costs associated with adopting our son!
We applied for a number of grants, and A Child Waits Foundation was the one that answered our request. The help goes a long way. Thank you!
Legend - Alabama

Thank you so much for awarding Our Family the grant.
The last few years have been difficult emotionally and financially, but God has provided every step of the way.
So thankful for your foundation and what you do to help adoptive families. You are such a blessing and our Family will be forever grateful.

Nathaniel - Georgia

We are officially a family of three and want to thank A Child Waits Board for choosing us to receive a grant. We have waited years to become parents and with that comes a great deal of costs. This grant helps cover some post placement costs as well as some medical expenses.
Nathaniel has been the missing piece to our family and it is now complete. Thank you!
Nadeen - Canada

We will forever be grateful to “A Child Waits”, they really helped make adoption more possible for us.
Having a child is the best thing that has ever happened to us - individually and as a couple. Especially as a queer, Canadian couple there weren’t any other adoption grants available for us, so we are extra appreciative of the adoption grant we received.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for helping us expand our family and bring a bundle of joy (and a little bit of chaos!) into our home.
Noah - Utah

Noah had an amazing first Christmas with his new family. He saw Santa and got lots of gifts from his cousins, aunts and uncles. The gift of the grant made all of this possible.

Fynn is almost 4 months old now! We can’t believe how much time has flown. He’s doing so well and the concern with his heart has resolved! We keep in contact with his family regularly and are enjoying getting to know them more.
Flynn will already be becoming a big brother in April! Our daughter’s birth parents are pregnant again with a girl and have asked us to adopt (very unexpected!). We will be visiting his family when we are down there for her birth.

Kaiden - Georgia

We are so thankful for the part your grant played in bringing him home. Thank you again for blessing our family!
Qyhier - Pennsylvania

Our adoption of Qyhier was finalized on Friday. We were able to pay our final fees because of A Child Waits generous grant. We just want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. God has been kind to our family.
Lilly - South Carolina

We are so grateful to A Child Waits!
We experienced an adoption disruption that really stretched us financially and emotionally. Thankfully, six months later we got the call for our daughter through a stork drop and holding her in our arms was the miracle we had been waiting for.
We found many grant doors closed because our adoption was a stork drop, but A Child Waits opened their doors and support to us at a time that we needed it the most. Thank you for helping us grow our family! Our daughter is thriving and our deepest desire has come true.