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Family Stories
International Adoption 2023 

  In 2023 we awarded grants to help 202 children to be adopted from 21 different countries and 32 states in the USA. Some of their wonderful pictures and adoption experiences are recounted below in the family's own words.

Amos - Thailand

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Our family was a recipient of the A Child Waits Foundation grant to aid in the adoption of our son, Amos, a 10-year-old boy living at a home for boys in Nong Khai, Thailand.


We are so happy to share we traveled to Thailand in January 2023 and returned home with our son on February 22nd. Words cannot express how much this grant has meant to our family. We simply could not have endured the financial strain a second international adoption would have put on our family without the financial contributions you all have made to our adoption.


Not only did your gift provide financial stability for our family, but you also helped to provide a loving home and family to the sweetest and kindest little boy! Our son "Mos", came to our family after 10 years of neglect in the orphanage system in Thailand. He lived in four different orphanages, was unable to receive necessary care for his Thalassemia, fell behind in school, and was being bullied to steal food for older boys in the orphanage. To say this sweet boy was overjoyed to join our family is an understatement.


Mos joined our family with incredible bravery, kindness, gratefulness, and love. Now that he is home with us, he is receiving desperately needed medical care and educational and emotional support.  He is in the fourth grade and quickly learning English (His favorite phrase is “I love my family!”). Mos loves cooking, riding scooters, playing Uno with his little sister, and painting. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t thank us for being his parents. Mos is incredibly loving and caring of his little sister and bravely walks through each day. When we first met him he told us he dreams of having a mommy, a daddy, a little sister, a soccer ball, and seeing snow. That sweet boy's dream now has come true! 


Thank you for trusting and helping our family. We are forever grateful for your generosity.


Stefany- Colombia

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Thank you so much A Child Waits Foundation! Muchisimo Gracias!!! as we would say while in Colombia. We returned from our adoption adventure in Colombia six weeks ago with our 14 year old daughter, and we wanted to tell you how thankful we are for your financial support, flexibility as our lives and plans took an unexpected turn from domestic infant adoption to international teenage adoption last summer, and your excellent communication to us and integrity to provide the promised financial aid to our agency. WOW.


Our young family of 4 started this adoption journey by hosting for a few days 3 boys from Rawanda who were part of the international choir His Little Feet. We fell in love with these boys in a few days and the lie was shattered that “you can’t love anyone else’s kid like you can love your own.” I learned for me, it’s 100% not true. It’s not about blood relation; it’s about need. I don’t love my friends’ kids as much as my own…but it’s not because they aren’t biologically related to me; it’s because they already have that love and don’t need it from me. Having a child in front me that wouldn’t experience a mother’s love today unless I rose to that calling was THAT piece God used to inspire me to a greater love.


So, with the knowledge we absolutely could love another kiddo as much as our biokids if that kiddo needed our love, we applied for domestic infant adoption. We had a 1 yr old and a 3 yr old as we were making this decision, so infant adoption seemed the best fit for our family. We were aware there was maybe a niche for us for a teen girl…maybe even a pregnant teen…but it felt too scary and too out of control. In all honesty, we chose what we thought would be the easiest and most affordable way to adopt.


Two years later as we continued to wait for an infant, God had all the while been growing our boys, growing our hearts, and growing our faith. The culture of infant adoption and the “competition” between families for a baby was feeling increasingly odious to us. Our hearts were feeling increasingly burdened for waiting children as we sat on the sidelines of adoption waiting ourselves. 


Then one day, I opened an email from our adoption agency, and there was a face and a name. It was one of the few moments in my life where God has not been gentle with me. I was immediately dizzy and in tears. The cracks that had been forming in our plan of domestic infant adoption were busted wide open in that moment. I COULDN’T keep sitting and doing nothing when there were waiting children like her. We had to change the plan now. We didn’t know what that would mean exactly, so we started asking questions about this specific girl. Is she still waiting? Does she even want to come to the United States? Does she even know that’s a possibility? Our interest in her led to several phone calls and several miracles past due dates and deadlines so that she arrived at our home 1 month later as part of a summer hosting program for waiting children. 


We spent 5 weeks with her being able to learn more about her needs and being able to show her how our family worked…in hopes that we could offer her a permanent place in our family, and she could have the confidence to say YES! to us. We got to work on her adoption behind the scenes before she had to return to Colombia after hosting.


It took another full year of paperwork before we were granted phone calls with her and then finally authorized to travel to Colombia to pick her up. And now we’re all home together! All three kids have started back to school. We’re finding our new rhythm and schedule to try and meet everyone’s needs and get everyone’s love buckets filling. It’s impossible work for us, and we continue to trust in God’s good hands to do the work we cannot do. We will be faithful with our small part of responsibility, and we will watch with awe what He does. This whole experience of adoption is like standing at the edge of the Red Sea and watching God make a way. An impossible Way…and we’ve had front row seats. All we did was show up (eventually) willing to give all we have. He created the miracle of growing love and family, and now we walk through it in faith.


Thank you for partnering with us in this terrible awesome amazing work of adoption. I am so grateful God was willing to do the work to adopt me too.

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Ellyanna- Vietnam

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Tomorrow will mark one week of being home with our precious little one! She’s doing very well overall and has adjusted to being a part of our family. It’s been so fun to watch her spunky little personality bloom and grow these last couple of weeks.


We can’t wait to see what the next few weeks and months hold.♥️ We have included a few pictures of Ellyana with our family so far! We are so very grateful for A Child Waits Foundation, and the love and support they have given us during this process. Adoption is not a road you can travel alone and it’s been beautiful to see this community come along side of us. Thank you all again for everything you’ve done. 


Zlatka & Penka- Bulgaria

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Dear A Child Waits Foundation,

We want to follow-up with a “5-months home” update.  We have shared with our girls several times about how God was so clear in calling us and so big in providing for this adoption. 

We want to say thank you for walking alongside us through this adoption journey – one that God has been preparing us for since our first adoption almost 14 years ago.  I feel like God has given us a “Redo”.  We have learned so much about parenting through 4 other adoptions, Empowered to Connect/Hope for the Journey conferences, as well as many Karen Purvis resources and trainings. 

Two of our older, adopted daughters still live with us.  God is using them to manage a lot of the responsibilities of the home so that we have more time for nurture and connection with our new daughters.  We all have been blessed to see the difference that connection time makes. 

Our daughters are thriving.  They are connecting with us and claiming their new family and home.  They are enjoying getting to be a part of a family – having older sisters and getting to have a forever family.   They are getting to experience a whole list of firsts.  The youngest is thriving in a home where she is loved and affirmed.  She has accomplished more in these 5 months of one-on-one schooling than she did in her 6 years of schooling in her country.  She is so proud that she can indeed learn.  The oldest one is learning that she is valuable and special just the way she is.  She is learning that boundaries do indeed protect her.  The growth and connection are beautiful.   They make all the challenges well worth it.  We wouldn’t change God’s extravagant story for us. 

We are so thankful for our family of 8.  Thankful for the many people who have made each of our adoptions possible.  This last adoption was a sibling group of two, so almost double the expenses and double the energy.  God is good and used several grants to help cover the expenses and daily gives us the wisdom and grace we need for the journey. 

Thank you for supporting our family.  We are very grateful for your help through this journey.  


Benedict & Bernadette - Hungary

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Our most heartfelt thanks go to you for supporting our family in our adoption last year. We would like to give you an update of our journey and the blessings you have contributed to it. First of all, our apologies for not sending this sooner. Our life has been a whirlwind since we brought our kids home last December and, as you can imagine, we have been quite busy with four kids! We traveled to Hungary on November 3, 2023 and met our two children, Benedict and Bernadette, on November 6. We visited with them for about nine days, spending more and more time with them as each day passed so they could get to know us a little bit. On November 13th they came into our care and we started what Hungary calls the bonding period. For the next 30 days we all began learning what it means to be a family of six. We had a set schedule each day that included morning and afternoon walks to local playgrounds, quiet time and play time, prayer and of course meals and frequent snacks! We also made frequent trips to the grocery stores and visited some local attractions. The first few weeks were very challenging as Benedict and Bernadette struggled to regulate themselves, had inappropriate behaviors, recurred to tantrums and yelling instead of words, and fought with each other all the time, hitting, kicking, and biting each other. We felt we were referees, always on guard and having to pay attention that nobody got hurt. As the weeks progressed though, so did their behaviors and by the fourth week in country we finally felt we were swimming above water and no longer drowning. Benedict and Bernadette played more and more with their older siblings and while issues still persisted, they started learning to be more respectful and less aggressive. On December 13th, we finalized the adoption and they officially became our children. We spent an additional week in Budapest, getting passports and visas and we were fortunate to have their Italian grandfather and aunt come see us while there and spend some time with us before we returned to the U.S. We flew back home on December 20th, just in time for Christmas. This by far has been the hardest of our three adoptions because of the behavioral challenges we faced in country. The struggle is still present, every day, and the road ahead of us is long as we know that the trauma our kids experienced before joining our family was not left behind in Hungary, but will be part of them for the rest of their lives. But we also know that patience, love and care can bring healing in time. We are seeing tremendous progress and we realize daily how far we have come since those first weeks of November last year. Volume control is still an issue at times, but again, things have greatly improved and the yelling and fighting is less frequent. They are also playing better and more respectfully with each other and with their older siblings so we are very grateful for this! When the fab four play together, they are really fabulous and a joy to see. Benedict and Bernadette have adjusted well to their new home and life here in the US and since February we have included them in many of the activities that our older kids do, such as Sunday school, American Heritage Girls and Trail Life, gymnastics, and our homeschool group meetings and field trips. Their English is coming along very well and they are both two chatter bugs now, enjoying our afternoon walks as special times to tell us what’s on their minds. They both knew their letters and numbers before coming into our care and since they showed a desire to learn once I picked up homeschooling for the older two, I started homeschooling them as well! We work on handwriting, phonics, math and science and of course learning about Jesus and our faith. We also spend a lot of time reading aloud and playing outside. Benedict and Bernadette both love jumping on our trampoline and riding their scooters and bikes, something they both learned recently. Benedict likes to play with legos, cars and trains and loves listening to music, while Bernadette is very crafty, likes to draw and play with dolls and stuffed animals. They both attended our church Vacation Bible School over the summer and Bernadette also did a ballet camp with her older sister and on both occasions they did very well. They were able to understand and follow instructions and played well with the other children. Now, we are homeschooling full time! Both kids are learning to read, they love math, and enjoy working on projects as a family as well as on their own! Each child’s personality is finally emerging and we can see more what each likes and what his or her talents are. It’s been a journey of discovery for us but for them as well, because at the beginning they did not know how to play by themselves or what they liked to do; they followed their older siblings around, always copying what they did. Adoption is never easy as each child comes with trauma and deals with it in a different way. We know our new children come from difficult backgrounds and their behaviors are the result of the circumstances in which they grew up, but we strive everyday, every moment of the day, to see them for what they are, beautiful, unique persons entrusted to us by God. Your financial support was essential for helping us defray our travel expenses. As you know, we had to stay in-country for six weeks and brought with us our two older children, so we had to cover living expenses for a family of six. Your grant ensured that the we had these resources and that we could properly care for our two new children through food, clothing and transportation while in Hungary. Once again, we are beyond grateful for your financial support and for your prayers and for all that you do for adoptive families. 

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