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Our Families  2021  
Domestic Adoption

In 2021 we awarded grants to help 181 children to be adopted from 22 different countries and 27 states in the USA. Some of their wonderful pictures and links to their adoption experiences are below.

Ophelia- Texas

Wilkinson pic2 2021.jpg

Thank you for your help and we appreciate the board giving us a grant to help  towards placement and post-placement costs! 

Here is a picture of our sweet girl Ophelia and our family ❤️.

Matt & Heather 

Wilkinson pic1 2021.jpg

Woodrow - Arkansas

Tanksley,Adam & Kristin 2021 pic_edited.jpg

Thank You!

Bethany- California

Hatcher, Melissa 2021.jpeg

We always wanted a child with Down syndrome. Because of this, we intentionally sought out relationships with people with DS and celebrated World Down Syndrome Day with our kids. We completed a home study for an international adoption, then Covid shut down the world. We decided to pivot to a domestic adoption with the help of the National Down Syndrome Adoption Network. We hired a photographer, made a profile book, and started waiting again. After 9 failed presentations, we got the call that we’d been chosen to parent our sweet Bethany on March 21st - World Down Syndrome Day. We are so thankful for A Child Waits Foundation for helping our adoption dream become a reality. 

Willow - Tennessee

Matthews Latahsa  pic3 2021_edited.jpg

Thank you so much for being a part of our adoption journey! We are filled with joy because the support and generosity of A Child Waits has helped bring our daughter home!

Matthews Latahsa  pic1 2021_edited.jpg

Isla Rose - California

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Thanks so much. We are so grateful.

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Ezra - Louisiana

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Zayas 2021-Louisiana pic4.jpg
Zayas 2021-Louisiana pic2.jpg

Hi this is Michelle, I and my daughter and whole family, friends, community and my church want to say thank you so much. I will forever be blessed with the help from your foundation 🙏with your funds I was able to cover some of Ezra's adoption fees and with out you I wouldn't have  been able to cover it. Because of your generosity I was able to make it home and be able to purchase formula and crib clothes for Ezra and pay a couple of bills thank you so much and God Bless from our family to yours. 

Hamm pic1 2021_edited.jpg

Victoria Rose - Texas

Thank you so much! We are very grateful for the grant!

Victoria is doing well, and our older daughter, Katie, loves being the big sister!

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Omarion - South Carolina

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Mitchell-Wilmore scan_edited_edited.png

We just wanted to take the time to thank you for your generous donation. As you have read in our letters, we have been on this journey for a few years now and have lost, both financially and emotionally. But this time we stepped out on faith; not having enough money, strength, or patience...BUT GOD.

Here we are at the end of our process with this generous donation, two consenting parents, and steps away from making our family complete. We could never thank you enough.

Throughout this entire process, our family has leaned on Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God." We have done our best to do that and He has again proven that He always takes care of his own. We know we got our son in a very unconventional way, but we would not change anything about it. Thank you for being a group who are dedicated to helping others throughout this process. Thank you for your donation.


Please continue doing this great work as it is helping far more than you will ever know.

Daisy - Texas

Quiles pic4 2021_edited.jpg

"We have been in the process of trying to adopt for approximately 4 years."

Thorin - Arizona

Evans,Kyle & Virginia pic4_edited.jpg

"On September 3, 2011, Virginia and I began our life long adventure together, learning from each other and growing from our mistakes."

Dominic - Nebraska

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"The adoption of our son, Dominic, was finalized yesterday..."

Leah - Florida

Richardson,Brian and Jennifer pic_edited.jpg

Thank you for awarding us an adoption grant for our daughter, Leah! Thank you for the work you do and the support and encouragement you give to so many! We are so grateful. Leah is such a joy! 

We are grateful her sweet birthmother chose LIFE and humbled that she chose us to be her family.  Thank you for being a part of our journey. 

Willa - Texas

Plodzien pic 2021_edited.jpg

We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for selecting our family to receive your generous adoption grant. We had to travel in Texas during their black out/Winter crisis and ended up being away from home much longer than anticiapted. Your grant helped us pay off credit card debt that was starting to add up. We really appreciate it and plan to pay it forward!

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Evelyn Elizabeth - South Carolina

Richardson,Nicholas and Jenna pic1_edited.jpg

Thank you for partnering with us in bringing home our sweet Evelyn Elizabeth. We will be forever grateful for you and the part you have played in her story. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Charlotte - Oklahoma

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Thank you so very much for your generous grant to help with the adoption expenses. You have no idea how much we appreciate your kindness and love for adoption. You have made a huge difference in our lives forever!

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More Beautiful Babies Adopted in 2021

Sherman, Jared & Jennifer pic 2021_edited.jpg
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Conway-Edwards pic 2021_edited.jpg
Eakins, Lisa pic 2021.jpg
Montoya pic 2021_edited_edited.jpg
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Alix pic 2021_edited.jpg
Bowen, mark & Susanna 2021 pic_edited.jpg
Inman pic 2021_edited.jpg
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Barnett,Jeremy & Erika pic1_edited_edite
Kenyon, Caleb & Caitlin pic 2021_edited.jpg
moore, Martin & Sarah pic 2021_edited.jpg
Reid-Andrew pic 2021_edited.jpg

More Beautiful Babies & Children Adopted in 2021

Christensen,Dan & Amy pic 2021_edited_ed
Hamel, Travis & Sarah pic 1 2021.jpg
Evans, Paul & Natasha 2021_edited.jpg
Khouaja pic 2021_edited.jpg
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Shaffer,Susan 3 kids Texas_edited_edited
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